Computer-Based Training

Computer-Based Training. As discussed in the Introduction, computer-based training is any training that uses a computer as the focal point for instructional delivery.

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Video-Based Training

Video-based training is provided on a standard video cassette tape for playing in a standard video cassette recorder (VCR). Video-based training does not allow for interaction between an instructor and trainees, but it does allow access to the most respected minds in the country, action pictures of anything being demonstrated, flexible delivery times, and, if necessary, repeated instruction. These days, VCRs are available in almost every home and most work sites.

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Text-Based Training

Text-based training comes from a standard textbook or any book on the subject of study. Again, text-based training does not allow for interaction between an instructor and trainees, but the books may be written by the country's foremost experts on a subject, trainees can access them when needed, and trainees can re-read sections as needed. Bookstores carry books on just about any subject one might need to study.

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Workbook-Based Training

Workbooks include both instructional text and practice exercises. These books are written specifically to help readers master particular subjects or techniques. The practice exercises help readers remember what is covered in the books.

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Lecture-Based Training

Lecture-based training is what most of us associate with the word "training." It is the traditional instructional technique -- teacher in front of a classroom -- most of us grew up with. It can provide considerable interaction between teacher and students, though it can be very inflexible in other regards.

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Questions? Contact Brett Bixler.