Implications of Multiple Intelligences

The implications of this are enormous, for both teaching and learning. Just because some people have trouble learning in the logical-mathematical sense is no reason to assume they are not intelligent. They could be strong in one or several other areas. They could become more intelligent in that area through practice and special study. Also, they could probably compensate for their weakness in one area by using other areas of intelligence they are strong in or naturally prefer to use, providing the learning environment permits them to do so.

Designing Instruction Around Multiple Intelligence Theory

  1. Analyze lesson plans to ascertain which intelligences are being utilized with each activity:
  2. Then ascertain if this same activity is interpersonal or intrapersonal. Interpersonal activities can draw upon cooperative learning techniques. Intrapersonal activities can be more self-paced, facilitating self-reflection so the new knowledge is incorporated better into the person's existing knowledge structures.
  3. Balance lesson types out so no one intelligence is over emphasized.
  4. Try and provide remedial lessons on a given topic using different "intelligences," so learners have another way of looking at the material.



Fostering Linguistic Intelligence

Moving lips


This intelligence is activated by the spoken word, by reading (especially poetry), and by writing one's own thoughts, ideas, etc.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to linguistic intelligence:



Fostering Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

A calculator button area and screen


This intelligence is activated in problem-solving and or challenging situations.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to logical-mathematical intelligence:


Fostering Spatial Intelligence

Cubes, spheres, and a 3D number all floating in space


This intelligence is activated when a person must you mental imagery to accomplish something.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to spatial intelligence:


Fostering Musical Intelligence

Music eighth notes


This intelligence is activated when a person uses music and/or rhythm to accomplish something. When used, it is probably the most mood-altering form of intelligence.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to musical intelligence:


Fostering Kinesthetic Intelligence

A woman dancing with the sun shining behind her


This intelligence is activated when a person uses their own body/physical action to accomplish something.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to kinesthetic intelligence:


Fostering Interpersonal Intelligence

A handshake


This intelligence is activated when a person interacts with others to accomplish something.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to interpersonal intelligence:


Fostering Intrapersonal Intelligence

A man thinking about himself.


This intelligence is activated when a person utilizes self-reflection and thinking to accomplish something.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

Here are some key terms that are related to intrapersonal intelligence:



Fostering Naturalistic Intelligence

A bird standing on a womans hand


This intelligence is activated when a person utilizes some aspect of nature to accomplish something.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

 Here are some key terms that are related to naturalistic intelligence: